Pictured (left to right): Sandeep Misra, Zhi Selina Cheng, Darrienne Martin, Joshua Sharp, Suman Choudhary, Anter Shami, Sidney Stuckett; Not Pictured: Lyle Tobin
Principal Investigator
Joshua S. Sharp, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The University of Mississippi
School of Pharmacy
Department of BioMolecular Sciences
Contact: jsharp@olemiss.edu
445 Faser Hall, 72 University Ave.,
University, MS 38677
Graduate Students
Darrienne Martin
Graduate Student
Contact: dmmarti3@go.olemiss.edu
Darrienne received her Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of Mississippi with a major in Chemistry and minor in Mathematics. She joined the Sharp lab group in the fall semester of 2021.
Anter Shami
Senior R&D Chemist in Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence (GlyCORE) and Graduate Student
BioMolecular Sciences
Contact: aashami@olemiss.edu
Undergraduate Students
Lyle Tobin
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Majors: Biological sciences, biochemistry, & Classics
Contact: ltobin@go.olemiss.edu